Thursday, July 25, 2019

Distance Selling Regulations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Distance Selling Regulations - Essay Example Under this provision, consumers get a cooling-off period of seven working days. This paper will explore the factors associated with distance selling regulations. It will also examine how consumer electronic sales can be promoted using e-commerce techniques. The term consumer electronics got popularity in the early 20th century. It refers to all electronic devices that are beneficial for everyday use (Consumer electronics). Personal computers, television, and MP3 players are some examples of consumer electronic products. In the modern technological world, consumer electronics sales grow rapidly as people largely depend on electronic equipments in day to day life. In the opinion of analysts from the Consumer Electronics Association (as cited in McGrath, 2011), the consumer electronic sales may approach even top of $1 trillion. The increased market demand for consumer electronic products has led to the emergence of large numbers of multinational companies which deal with consumer electr onics products. At this juncture, strategic changes in production and distribution of these products have become essential so as to govern the market. According to Burnett (n.d.), it is suggestible for the consumer electronics vendors to adopt some innovative sales promotion techniques such as price deals, contests, and sweepstakes.

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