Monday, July 29, 2019

Death of the salesman Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Death of the salesman - Assignment Example He manifested an inability to maintain a 9-to-5 job to support his life and to meet the high expectations of Loman. On the other hand, Happy has a steady job but keeps on playing around with girls and has not gone far in business. The two brothers only came back home to visit their parents and stayed in the bedroom where they used to share as boys. Restlessness and troubled thoughts preoccupied Willy when he returned home from an aborted sales trip. His wife, Linda, noticed Willy’s difficulties and urged him to speak to his boss and request a position that would not require travelling. Willy recalled the times when he was still a young father full of vitality, had an optimistic business outlook, and dreamed of success. Likewise, he also reminisced on his brother Ben, who left for Africa to mine diamonds and became financially successful. Happy and Biff found Willy’s behavior erratic and asked their mother about things that bothered Willy. The two brothers learned that Willy has lost his salary and worked only on commission. Linda also told the brothers that Willy tried to kill himself. Learning these, Biff came to a realization that he had to change his life and find a decent job to help his parents. The next day, Willy has been upset of knowing that he has been fired from job. His neighbor Charlie offered him a job but he refused to accept it because of pride and instead, borrowed money from Charlie to pay for the bills and insurance premium. In a restaurant, Willy met his sons and end up shouting because of Biff’s constant failure and Willy’s verbalization of the loss of job. The two sons left Willy who became tormented again with fragmented thoughts. Back at home, Linda argued with her sons why they left Willy but Biff broke down with anger due to Willy’s suicide attempts. Willy reflected that to manifest love, he decided to commit suicide so that his life insurance policy would provide

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